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Intervista per The Heroine's journey di Peter de Kuster

What is the best thing that I love about my work? The best thing about my work is the studying part, the creative side of the process before making.
What is my idea of perfect happiness? My perfect happiness lives in front a blue sea, with a book in its hand and a blank copybook in the other one.
What is my greatest fear? My greatest fear is to lose my real me.
What is the trait that I most deplore in myself? My lack of discipline.
What is my greatest extravagance? I like to talk with cats.
On what occasion would I lie? I would lie only to myself.
What is the influence of role models, in my work and in my life? I have no specific role models.
What is the thing that I dislike the most in my work? I hate when I don’t have inspiration, no idea of what to do. I work a lot through inspiration and sometimes this is not helpful.
When and where was I the happiest, in my work? I love the final part of my work, when I have to explain what I did, talk about my choices and what I mean to represent.
If I could, what would I change about myself? I MUST believe more in myself. I would change my self perception.
What is my greatest achievement in work? The greatest achievement, according to me, is when somebody understands the message that stands inside my work, going deep and taking time to finding the real meaning of what I did. Suddenly, I am not alone anymore.
What is my most inspirational location, in my city? The woods behind my house and a tiny waterfall that is very nice to contemplate.
What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in my city? I love an indian restaurant where I eat a wonderful paneer. Yummy!
Who is my greatest fan, sponsor, partner in crime? My amazing husband: we are a “dynamic duo” of artistic crime.
Whom would I like to work with in the future? I would like to work with foreign partners, to learn something new from other countries.
What project, in the nearby future, am I looking forward to work on? Now I’m working on a book written and illustrated by me. It’s very hard working, but I can melt two sides of my work: writing and drawing. Now I’m looking for this: to combine the two sides of my creativity.
How can you contact me? This is my blog:

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